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"AI and the Metaverse to Revolutionise Jewellery Design: "The Joy of Colour" Exhibition to Showcase

The Shenzhen Jewellery Museum in China will host an exhibition titled "The Joy of Colour" from 10th March to 10th May, exploring how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Metaverse will influence jewellery design. Curated by Creative Director and Jewellery Expert Paola De Luca and her team from The Futurist, in partnership with Trendvision, the exhibition will showcase an immersive environment where design and colour coding will evolve in a new era of fast-emerging AI.

De Luca believes the future of jewellery design lies in creating hybrid spaces where digital art and culture inspire consumers, and this exhibition will feature the work of 24 jewellery designers from around the world examining the impact of societal phenomena such as gaming and loneliness, the circular economy, and sustainability on design.

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