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De Beers is considering reducing LGD prices

De Beers is considering reducing the prices of the lab-grown diamonds it sells via its Lightbox jewellery brand.“The wholesale prices of lab-grown diamonds are falling sharply, leading to financial challenges at some leading lab-grown diamond producers,” parent company Anglo American noted in its 2023 results. “These price declines are expected to lead to further substantial reductions in retail prices, with De Beers’ Lightbox brand testing significantly lower prices for its products.”

These reductions will “further reinforce consumers’ understanding of the fundamental differences between lab-grown and natural-diamond jewellery,” Anglo American continued.

Lightbox currently sells most of its stones for $800 per carat at retail, with the Finest line of higher-quality items going for $1,500 per carat. It also sells lower-quality Lightbox Basics stones for $600 per carat.

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