On the occasion of Vishwakarma Jayanti, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday launched the PM-Vishwakarma scheme, an initiative intended to extend a helping hand to artisans and craftsmen and those engaged in traditional skills.
Ahead of the launch of the PM-Vishwakarma scheme, PM Modi also interacted with Vishwakarma partners at the India International Convention and Expo Centre and appreciated their artefacts.
The prime minister at the launch of the scheme said, “Under the PM Vishwakarma scheme, the government will provide up to Rs 3 lakhs loan without any (bank) guarantee."
The scheme also entails benefits such as recognition as a Vishwakarma through a certificate and ID card and skill verification followed by 5-7 days (40 hours) of basic training. Interested candidates can also enrol for 15 days (120 hours) of advanced training and a stipend of ₹500 per day will be provided..
Besides, a ₹15,000 grant will be provided as a toolkit incentive and an incentive for digital transaction of ₹1 per transaction for up to 100 transactions monthly.
A National Committee for Marketing (NCM) will provide services such as Quality Certification, Branding & Promotion, E-commerce linkage, Trade Fairs advertising, publicity and other marketing activities.
An artisan or craftsperson working with hands and tools and engaged in one of the 18 family-based traditional trades mentioned in the scheme, in the unorganised sector on a self-employment basis, shall be eligible for registration under PM Vishwakarma.
The minimum age of the beneficiary should be 18 years on the date of registration.
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