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UK policy on Russian diamond sanctions is mix of EU, US

The United Kingdom’s policy seems to mix the U.S. and EU approaches. A notice from the U.K. Department of Business & Trade said self-certification “may” be acceptable, but added that “importers should be prepared to provide further evidence retrospectively if required, including to demonstrate that the goods are not of Russian origin or above the weight limit.”

The U.K. has also issued a “general trade license” for non-Russian goods that were manufactured outside Russia before March 1.

“Traders should be prepared to have documentation available to demonstrate evidence of a processed diamond’s location,” said a page outlining the license. “This does not need to demonstrate the precise date of manufacture itself, but that the goods existed and were located outside of Russia before [March]. Examples of evidence could include an invoice, bill of lading, sales contract, or original [Kimberley Process certificate].”

The license can also be used for goods with unknown provenance, as long as there’s evidence they were purchased outside of Russia prior to March 1.

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