Tritiyaa Fine Jewellery, a Hyderabad-based jewellery startup, has made headlines by securing an undisclosed amount in a funding round from actress Parineeti Chopra. The funding round coincides with Tritiyaa’s opening of the first store in Hyderabad. As per the startup, it plans to expand its presence across India in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Visakhapatnam.
Founded by Kanthi Dutt, Tritiyaa Fine Jewellery is an end-to-end boutique jewellery brand that offers an exclusive collection of gold and diamond jewellery, including uncut, Victorian, and rare gemstones. Speaking about the partnership with Parineeti, Dutt highlighted that this collaboration will propel Tritiyaa to new heights.
Kanthi Dutt said,“I was searching for someone who resonates with my jewellery style. Being a newlywed herself, Parineeti understands the significance of jewellery for a bride. Together, we are dedicated to creating statement pieces that will make weddings truly unforgettable. I can’t wait for Parineeti to showcase our collection during her wedding.”
Statement from Parineeti Chopra:Commenting on her investment in the jewellery brand, Chopra expressed her enthusiasm for this collaboration and stated that jewellery is an enduring treasure passed down through generations. She highlighted that this partnership is more than just a financial commitment.
Parineeti Chopra added,“I am delighted to partner with this modern jewellery boutique brand. I am particularly excited about joining forces with the youthful and dynamic entrepreneur Kanthi Dutt. Our partnership signifies more than just a financial commitment; it signifies our shared vision to redefine elegance and style in the world of jewellery.”
This is Chopra’s second investment in a span of two months. A few months back in July, she participated in the D2C personal care startup Clensta’s Rs 75 crore pre-Series B funding, stating that she had been eager to make such a move for the past 4 years. The same month, Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty invested in Gurugram-based re-engineered tyre startup brand Regrip.
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